Lets Build Something!

Donát Zsombor Ötvös

I am a passionate software engineering student who thrives on diving deep into projects and solving complex coding challenges. I'm 19 years old young man originally from Hungary, but I moved to Denmark at the age of 16. Currently, I’m pursuing my Software Engineering degree at SDU. I have hands-on experience in full-stack mobile application development, I’ve explored many languages and technologies. I’m always eager to expand my knowledge and take on new challenges in the ever-evolving world of software development.

About Me


I have always been interested in building new things and meeting new people I can become extremely focused on learning new things and gain many interesting skills. As I have grown I started taking things even more seriously and get in dept of differnet topics. When I moved to Denmark I could finally see a bright future infront of me and school and programming became really engaging to me. I really love talking to people and discuss various topics even early in the morning. I am an intenese person who can never rest but this is what makes life exciting. Although I do not work all the time, in my free time I love to hang out with friends, cook, play boardgames or waste my time on endless series one after another


I moved from Hungary to complete my highschool diploma abroad that I have completed and recieved my IB (International Baccalaureate). During my highschool I learned English to a high degree as that was the teaching language. Since than I have enrolled in BSc in Software Engineering which I will complete in 2027. I have studied software through experience and Udemy courses completed the core parts of The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp and completed Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2023 Edition]. Also tipping my toes to web developement.


I have started my coding career in grade school where I have attended weekly Scratch programming classes. This have provided me with the foundations of thinking as a programmer. I have been on and off coding until 2022 when I started coding on a more serious level learning Python and later Dart. This has given me the knoweldge to work on different projects and learn new languages as well as currently I work with JavaScript and C# in my projects for school and myself. Nowadays I am building my startup in my free time to help people meet each other as this is something i am real pasionate about.



My most used and first serious programming language I learned. During my Udemy course I have build various applications, games console applications that comunicated with APIs. I used Beautifulsoup for web scrapping for my first project. Today I use python for developing APIs but I have experience with using it for basic data processing tasks as it came handy for my studies and report writing. Thoughout my work I gained knowledge more in dept with pythons workings which helps me building software more effectively.

  • FastApi
  • Pydantic
  • SQLAlchemy
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Pandas

Flutter & Dart

I have learned mobile app developement to create the front-end to my projects. During the course on Udemy I have build different apps working with camera, storage, http and other 3rd party packages. I have learned the principles of cross platform developement and how to structure my applications better creating fast, structured and separated code which provides easyer maintanibility. My knoweldge of from projects with Flutter was proven usefull when starting to work with other cross-platform frameworks

  • Providers
  • HTTP
  • ImagePicker
  • Local storage

React Native & JavaScript

When I have started my startup I have decided to learn a language that is more used in the industry and use that for the company which not only creates a wider range of tools I can work with but it makes easyer to find talent to reqruit in the future. When I have started web-developement I interacted with React that can be used for a wide range of webapplications therefore ReactNative seemed like the best to choose so later I could easily apply my knoweldge to web-developement. I have used different packages as I needed networking, image handling and map functionality. I would say that the most important thing I have learned is to not give up and find solutions and only compromise if that is to the benefit of the project

  • Expo
  • Image picker
  • Axios
  • DatePicker
  • Navigation


During my university studies I needed to learn C# in order to learn Object oriented programming. I have needed to build my semester project using this language and will engage with it in in the future. This language made me realize that switching between lanugages are easyer than I tought because the fundamentals do not change and the new thing I needed to learn is the OOP. My previous experience with python provided me with the foundations for the switch.

  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Console functionality

Full stack developement (API & Front-end)

My main focus has been on the developement of APIs and their front end counterparts to provide full scale solutions. I have learned working with differnet tools, and how I need to organize my coding projects to achive sucesss. I have needed to learn how to create the Database strucutre and how to make the HTTP communications more optimised for my usecase. These skills are essential to build good software. I have also learned some web-developement but my main focus has been on the mobile application field.

  • Databases
  • Github
  • Documentation
  • Project Management


WAHT Social media

Tech Stack:

  • FastApi
  • SQLAlchemy
  • 0Auth
  • Cloudinary
  • Postgres
  • ReactNative
  • GoogleMaps


I have started a startup that aims at developing a new Social Media platform designed to make people socialize. Nowadays people dont engage with each other and there is a Loneliness epidemic and it is because the relative cost to engage with others compared to doom scrolling have risen signifficantly. Our website follows GDPR and aims at creating a platform where people can share evens and meet each other in person. The app features a map and discover page where people can see events in their surrounding, they can chat with the organizers in order to get precise information about the event. There is the possiblitity to create private evetns and we are developing a "trust-score" that can help create a more secure platform and more valuable relationships.

Reservation System

Tech Stack:

  • Pyhton
  • FastApi
  • SQLAlchemy
  • SQLite
  • Flutter & Dart
  • Localization
  • Image Picker


This project was my first solo project that I built for a friend who worked as a masseuse. In Hungary sole proprietorships do not have the financial means to purchases expensive reservation systems which results in a lot of time spent on the phone even during the provision of the service. This is the issue that this full stack solution aims to solve. Users can read the home screen and about me screen to get a general overview of the business and also sign up to free appointments select the service and aslo keep track of their past appointmetns. On the other side the service provider can post appointements and see what appointmeents have been booked which makes their life easyer and reduces the time they have to spend on the phone.

My notes

Tech Stack:

  • Pyhton
  • FastApi
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Postgres SQL
  • Flutter & Dart


I have wanted to join Chingu to gain some experience in group coding and they have required us to complete a project in order to determin the coding level. I have decided to instead of submitting a previous project I will make a simple notes app that has authentication and backend. I hace used all my gained knoweldge from my previous project and have tried to use the best practices. This project was more for myself to solidify my knowledge than solving a problem.

Recipe Backend

Tech Stack:

  • Pyhton
  • FastApi
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Postgres SQL
  • Cloudinary


I have participated in a Chingu Voyage where I have gained some experience about team programming. Our team have decided that we are going to build a Recipe app where you can track your weekly menu and get the shopping list based on your weekly menu. The user can add recipes, ingredients to their recipes and edit them later. I have worked with the designer closely but the front-end team has not finished their part which resulted in that only the backend was completed.

Crap Bay

Tech Stack:

  • React Native
  • Google-lens API
  • Firebase
  • ChatGPT API


As part of the Hackhathon organized at my university my team has decided that we are going to build a prototype for a shop where people can sell trash that other people might find usefull. I was responsible for building the front-end which was a mobile app. It contained image recognition through the utilization of apis as well as a search function. The app was done in a limited time and its purpose was to supplement the project presenation but I think think it still showcases some of my programmign skills.